Macros rely on nuclear power.
(Photo: Claw Things)
Düsseldorf, Paris A few weeks ago, Emmanuel Macron spoke for two hours to entrepreneurs and students about his vision for France 2030. According to the President of France, the country should become digital, dynamic and green. One of Macron’s main focuses: nuclear power. He described the fact that there are several nuclear power plants in France as a “stroke of fate”.
The country’s CO2 balance is already much better than other neighboring countries. About 70 percent of electricity comes from nuclear power – but the reactors are now out of date. Macron has announced the construction of new nuclear power plants – and is also relying on new types of mini-reactors. So-called Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) are a “technology of the future”, according to the president.
France started developing the mini reactor about ten years ago. Above all, companies and researchers hope they will provide greater safety, more energy efficiency and less radioactive waste.
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