Why the head of Muller-Drogery really had to leave

Why the head of Muller-Drogery really had to leave
gunther helm

Two weeks ago it became known that the business manager was leaving the top position at drugstore chain Mueller.

(Photo: Stephen Pick)

Düsseldorf Two weeks ago, drugstore chain Müller and its previous owner, Gunther Helm, parted ways. According to information from Handelsblatt, the company’s owner, Irwin Muller, intervened at the beginning of the year. “In January 2022, the Mueller company had a significant drop in earnings compared to the previous year. So I pulled the emergency brake and took the lead again,” Mueller told Handelsblatt.

According to Mueller, at least sales growth should have stabilized already: “In July 2022 we were again generating normal income with a significant increase.” At this time, however, a trusting collaboration with their current CEO was clearly not possible for long. He then agreed to an amicable separation with Helm according to Müller. Helm declined to comment on his departure.

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