Why Udo Dirkshinder still accepts plays songs

Why Udo Dirkshinder still accepts plays songs

Udo Durkshinander didn’t really want to play any more accepted songs, but still does so here and there. An interviewer wanted to know why.

Udo Dirkshinders at a UDO show in Augsburg on December 10, 2019

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Udo Dirkshinders at a UDO show in Augsburg on December 10, 2019

Udo Durkshinander didn’t really want to play any more accepted songs, but still does so here and there. An interviewer wanted to know why.

We remember: A few years ago Udo Durkshänder, with its formation, did enough of it. you do Accepting– Playing and singing music. This is why he called a final tour with hits accepted under the band banner Durksinader outside. The whole thing has been extended for some time. And Udo continues to play tracks from his old band, for example – at a concert on 18 September in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, which will be released on DVD and Blu-ray at the end of the month.

People want it

In an interview with “The Metal Voice” (see video below), Yudo Durkshanider was asked why he still included the Accept songs in his setlist. “Initially I said: I will not play any other acceptance song with UDO. But the organizer for this concert in Plovdiv really begged: ‘Is it possible to play some exception songs?’ And we said okay. We were doing five pieces, of course classic stuff. It’s the same with the upcoming UDO tour in the US. The US and Canada tour was already confirmed, now we have to wait for new dates. Will. I think it will happen in 2022.

In the US, the promoter said: ‘You don’t accept songs with UDO?’ I said, ‘Yes, we don’t usually do that.’ He replied, “But you cannot tour America and Canada without ‘Balls to the Wall’.” To which I replied: ‘But yes, I can. No problem.’ He replied, ‘Why not? This is not a big deal. People want to hear it. I have no problem singing ‘Balls to the Walls’ and maybe two more Accept songs.“Three years later, Durkshänder thought it was the turn of UDO material from his 16 studio albums. Nevertheless, Udo announced on the said North America and Canada tour “Certainly” Unpack some accepted tracks.

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4 Order for the wall to accept from the order so far!

Read the original article on www.metal-hammer.de

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