Wild universe in astronomy view

Wild universe in astronomy view

From the Galactic Magnetic Field, Cosmic Baby Boom and Turbulent Formation of Our Milky Way: In the March issue, Bernd der Wiesenshaft reports on new insights into the evolutionary processes of the universe. Above all, the Gaia Space Telescope and the ALMA Radio Telescope Observatory have led to exciting new findings that have transformed the image of space and our cosmic home.

Many aspects of the universe will remain mysterious forever – but curious gaze and the analytical minds of humans can provide for at least a few aha moments. Every now and then, ideas have to be changed, supplemented or improved. This scientific progress has grown rapidly in recent years. Therefore, an update on the latest findings on the history of the universe and its sub-evolution is announced.

In the first article of the three-part title topic, bdw astronomer expert Rüdiger Vaas focuses on new insights into the evolution of a particular spiral galaxy: our Milky Way, on the exterior of which the Sun lies. In fact because it is our cosmic home, it is difficult to find this galaxy because it is not possible to have a clear view of the huge structure from outside. But in recent years, especially the astrophysicist Gaia has revolutionized the understanding of the structure and development of the Milky Way. Wais reports, among other things, how new spiral weapons were discovered and the vast structures that they hold. Furthermore, the turbulent history of our cosmic homeland is becoming more and more apparent: it was therefore characterized by massive accidents and galactic cannibalism.

New aspects of cosmic evolutionary history

In the second part of the title topic, BW writer Thomas Buhrke reports on new insights into the vast magnetic fields that the universe allows and through their force has had a profound impact on the structure and star formation of galaxies. In spiral galaxies, large-scale magnetic fields follow the spiral arms. Particle winds also carry magnetic fields into the galactic outer regions. While they can obviously slow down the formation of stars in galaxies, they are also prerequisites for the formation of new stars, Buhrke reports in the article “The Magnetic Power”.

The author then moves on to the subject of star formation. It is becoming clear that many stars formed in one collapsed about ten billion years ago, he writes in the article “Cosmic Baby Boar”. The climax came nearly four billion years after the Big Bang. Since then the birth rate has been falling and a kind of cosmic state has started. The current number of stars can only be explained by the fact that matter is continuously flowing in galaxies. Meanwhile, more than 90 percent of the stars present in the universe and will continue to exist in the future, Burke reports.

You can find out more in the March issue of bild der Wissenschaft, which will be available in stores from 16 February.

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