Winter in Canada: Beaver makes its way through snow – Panorama

Winter in Canada: Beaver makes its way through snow - Panorama

From franziska shamock

Beavers are excellent swimmers and do well in very cold water.  (Symbol photo) photo: imago image / all canada photo

Beavers are excellent swimmers and do well in very cold water. (Symbol photo)

Photo: imago image / all canada photo

A stubborn beaver near the city of Saskatoon, Canada, has made his way through the thick snow of his home lake. With all his strength, the rodent managed to break a hole in the ice sheet. An observer was able to capture the scene with the camera.

From franziska shamock

February 25, 2021 – 2:07 pm

Saskatoon – In Canada, a beaver struggles with the thick ice cover of its native lake. It was so frozen that the rodent only managed to break it after several attempts and spread its head in fresh air. The animal roams under the ice in search of the ideal point of the surface – with success.

The video was recorded near the Canadian city of Saskatoon – the capital of the Saskatchewan province. In winter, the temperature is often lower than the cold. According to Canadian television reports, the animal is a mother beaver who tried to free her family from the ice. Mike Digout, watching the Beaver family, captured the scenes on video.

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