Witcher Developer CD project not for sale, insists its owner • Eurogamer.de

Witcher Developer CD project not for sale, insists its owner • Eurogamer.de

According to company president Adam Kisinski, the CD project is not for sale.

Kisinski spoke to a Polish newspaper on the subject Republic (Thank you, VGC) and emphasized that one must keep striving to remain independent.

CD Projekt wants to remain independent

“We’ve been saying for years that we want to stay independent and don’t plan on being part of a big company,” he says. “We are not looking for a strategic investor”.

CD Projekt is also well protected against hostile takeovers, he noted: “There are provisions that make hostile takeovers quite difficult.”

CD Projekt invests in small studios

Rather, CD Project invests in other smaller companies. for example have bought CD project recently developed by the studio The Molasses Flood (flame in flood), as well as Vancouver-based studio Digital Scapes, which now operates under the name CD Projekt Red Vancouver. Molasses Flood should be working on a new game based on CD Projekt’s IP, so either cyberpunk 2077 Or witcher,

“As part of our strategy update, we announced further activities in the area of ​​mergers and acquisitions, which we have confirmed with two transactions in the past few months,” says Kisinski.

“We do not rule out that we will have more such transactions in the future. The purpose of our acquisition is to strengthen our development teams and obtain additional support for the implementation of our strategy.”

“With this type of investment, we are primarily interested in experience and expertise, and it is very important to us that the team fits into the culture of our group.”

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Lots of confidence in Cyberpunk 2077

Furthermore, Cyberpunk 2077 is still very important and is confident of its long-term success.

“Cyberpunk 2077 is the biggest, most ambitious and certainly the most complex project in our 27-year history,” he insists. “In almost every aspect, we’ve tried to go a step further than we’ve done with every Witcher game.”

“Releasing a game in a new franchise brings with it many challenges and risks, especially when the concept is so complex. We’ve brought to life a massive, vibrant futuristic city called Night City, which plays off non-linear stories of characters. “

“We are proud of many aspects of the game, but as we know, not everything went as we wanted it to. Nevertheless, the cyberpunk brand we have built is huge and the fans of the game universe, characters and details of the world are across.”

“We believe that Cyberpunk 2077 will be considered a very good game in the long run and, like our other titles, will sell for years – especially as the hardware gets more powerful over time and we improve the game.”

“We are always working on updates, and we are also working on a version for the latest generation of consoles. Of course, the original release taught us a lot. It gave us a kick and inspired us to make changes. did us better in the future.”

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