With HomePod Mini Misunderstandings and Understandings

With HomePod Mini Misunderstandings and Understandings

Problems with the HomePod Mini only affect the German language setting of the tiny speaker, regardless of the current HomePod OS 15.2 installed on it.

Reminders can no longer be created by voice command, and iMessage messages can no longer be sent. A spicy detail: There is no error message about the message not being sent, so users can assume that their message was sent properly, even though it was not. It is also no longer possible to trigger short commands by voice.

Apple is not aware of any offense if the green status indicator on the server website is used as a benchmark. In some cases, the loudspeaker does not even announce the time, but remains silent.

The problems persist for a few days after Christmas, so we don’t believe the massive start-up of the new HomePod Minis shouldn’t be the cause of the problem. Mac Life even expertly reset one of the stubborn speakers without changing anything about the malfunction.

We believe that in the next few days Apple will fix issues that were not there when HomePod OS 15.2 was released.

Your experience is in demand

Do you also have problems with HomePod Mini? How do these difficulties manifest themselves? Feel free to write us in the comment column at the bottom of this article, we’re very curious how the tiny SmartSpeaker behaves for you.

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