Without Daimler: Bosch continues to develop robotaxis on its own

Without Daimler: Bosch continues to develop robotaxis on its own

without Daimler
Bosch continues to develop robotaxis on its own

In the future, taxis will roam the cities without a driver. However, Bosch and Daimler are now ending their joint development. Because the challenges with software and hardware are bigger than expected. However, companies continue to tinker.

Daimler and Bosch want to halt the joint development of so-called robotic taxis for city traffic. This was said by the spokesperson of both the companies. The companies had developed software and hardware for driverless cars that should be trending in cities. According to the information, Bosch and Daimler now want to continue separate developments from each other. The date for the end of the collaboration is still open.

Bosch’s managing director Harald Kroger told “Sudetush Zeitung” that the challenge of developing robotic taxis for city traffic “is bigger than many people imagine.” A spokesman told the German press agency that automatic driving would remain a strategic business area for Bosch. Collaboration has made progress, for example in environmental perception and driving strategy. “The results obtained are to be transferred to the further, independent development of the two companies.”

A Mercedes spokesman announced that the two companies had mutually agreed on talks to end the cooperation – “particularly due to the milestones already achieved and the advanced technical condition”. The two said they would like to continue working together on other matters.

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