Woman prays that her old cat accept the new one: what happens so many are touched

Woman prays that her old cat accept the new one: what happens so many are touched

Heartbreaking and happy ending. The meeting of two cats touched Instagram and Tiktok users.

Chicago (USA) – She was very jittery before making this decision: A Chicago cat owner was so unsure of getting another furry friend that she prayed when the animals first met.

Did it go well?  Pumpkin (left) and Marley initially show claws.

Did it go well? Pumpkin (left) and Marley initially show claws. © Instagram/screenshot/marleymalin

Her cat Marley was one year old when American decided to have another cat. Last week, the mistress released a throwback video featuring her first cat’s reviewed again.

The clip garnered thousands of likes on Tiktok and Instagram, as well as a lot of comments from users.

The video shows the first contact between the two cats – and what happens soon after. In the first few seconds of the clip, some viewers may think that the failed merger attempt is being documented here.

Animal Charity Fights for Kittens' Lives: "Eggs flying in the nose, picture of sadness"
Animal Aid Fights for Kittens’ Lives: “Eggs Fly in Nose, a Picture of Sadness”

But far from it: although the two cats approach each other with great hesitation at work, it really seems to be just a snapshot.

Today, Pumpkin and Marley are inseparable.

Today, Pumpkin and Marley are inseparable. © Image montage: Instagram/screenshot/marleymalin

In other pictures of the sweet video, viewers can see two cats who are thick and thin together. Whether hugging, watching things or playing: these house tigers now do everything together.

So much love makes hearts race among Tiktok and Instagram viewers. That’s why they throw a lot of heart emojis in the comment column.

The owner of the animals is likewise proud of Instagram. “Adopting Marley and Pumpkin was one of the best decisions of my life,” it says at one point.

Cat thrown alive in pieces in the playground
Cat thrown alive in pieces in the playground

In another post, the woman continues: “You know these kids are my whole Life And I’m sure you can relate to your own fur babies. I always try to be a better animal mom.”

If you want to know more about cats, you can find their accounts here on instagram And here on tiktok,

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