Saturday, May 1, 2021
No discussion at work
US software company stops wave of layoffs
In the USA, the head of a software company wanted to prevent his employees from discussing politics and social issues in the workplace. The workforce now faces severe headwinds: a third have already submitted their resignations via Twitter.
Following the ban on political discussion in the workplace, about a third of employees of an American software company have submitted their resignations. The layoff wave began after Basecamp chief Jason Fried announced the company’s new guidelines in a blog post on Monday. This included a ban on “social and political discussion on our company’s account”.
In addition, employee bonuses such as fitness studios or grants for advanced training should be discontinued “patronage”, Fried announced. According to a survey, about 20 out of 57 Basecamp employees announced their resignations on Twitter. These included the head of design, the head of marketing and the head of customer service. Many people justified their decision with the new rules of the group and insisted that they would always like to work for the basecamp.
Company owner Fried had justified the policy ban with the fact that political discussion had recently evolved from work into a “great distraction”: “We don’t need to solve any profound social problems, we make software.” Huh.” Issues such as racism, presidential elections last November and transgender rights have been hotly debated in the United States for months.
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