Work: Stress at Work? When, how long and how often are the brakes allowed?

Work: Stress at Work?  When, how long and how often are the brakes allowed?

Even in a stressful day-to-day job, the following applies: Those who work more than six hours at a time are entitled to at least a 30-minute break.

The employer is legally obliged to give this break to its employees, explains Michael Irkert, expert advocate for labor law and board member of the German Lawyers Association.

A work day that lasts more than nine hours requires a break of at least 45 minutes. This is prescribed by the Working Hours Act. However, the brakes are not to be taken at once. Those who prefer shorter breaks can split the break time. Since breaks are primarily intended to help you relax, they should not be less than 15 minutes each.

Consciously take a break

Taking a break at the beginning or end of work hours is not an option: the purpose of the break is to ensure that employees can rest and rest for work hours. The purpose of the pause is not to reduce working hours.

Employers can direct their employees to take a break. In doing so, it should follow the agreements and contractual rules of any company. In theory, however, the employer has the right to instruct employees as to which employee should take the legally prescribed break and when.

Smoking should be regularized

However, employees do not have the statutory right to additional cigarette breaks. If the subject is not regulated in the employment contract and additional company agreements, it is appropriate to talk to the employer to agree on the regulation.

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Minors, for example trainees, enjoy special protection: they must take a half-hour break after working four and a half hours. If you work for more than six hours, the legislature requires you to take a 60-minute break. (dpa)

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