World Cup 2022 Qatar: 100 days before the start of the World Cup, a lot has happened in Qatar – on paper

World Cup 2022 Qatar: 100 days before the start of the World Cup, a lot has happened in Qatar - on paper

Hundred days until the World Cup in Qatar: Stadium and Metro ready. But the condition of the workers has not improved.

The construction work of eight stadiums has been completed for a long time. Modern metro lines have been in operation for years in the capital, Doha. And in the business district “West Bay” hotels, shopping centers and company headquarters are opening. This growth would have been unimaginable without the Football World Cup starting in a hundred days. An important question is whether international pressure since the World Cup twelve years ago has made everyday life easier for migrant workers? “An important process has been initiated,” says Dietmar Schaffers, vice president of Building and Woodworkers International (BWI). “There’s been a lot of improvement on World Cup construction sites. But there’s still a lot to do where the public doesn’t watch very closely.”

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