Worldwide disruption to WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram – some services go online again

Worldwide disruption to WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram - some services go online again
panorama big technical problem

WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram with worldwide glitches – services partially working again

“There was always a problem in the past, a bigger problem than now”

In the event of an unusually large outage, several Facebook Groups services went offline across the board. Apart from the actual Facebook platform, WhatsApp and Instagram are also inaccessible to many users. Also, Thomas Hazeroth from the WELT Economic Department.

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Social networks WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram were not available around the world for hours. The Facebook group was battling huge technical problems. Now more and more users are reporting that the services are working again.

FIt seems after about six hours that ACBook gets its major failure under control. Shortly before midnight German time, more and more users reported that the services of the world’s largest online network were working for them again. It is not uncommon for them not to start all at once.

In Facebook’s case, not only had the online network’s platform failed earlier, but WhatsApp and Instagram services belonging to the group had also failed.

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According to the “New York Times,” Facebook took unusual measures to fix hours of downtime across its services. The online network sent a small team of employees to its data center in Santa Clara, California to attempt a “manual reset” of the servers, the newspaper wrote, citing an internal circular.

Even after more than five hours of the power outage, Facebook did not provide any details about the reasons. The company announced that it is aware that some people are having problems accessing the Facebook app. Facebook spokesman Andy Stone wrote on Twitter that the group was aware of the problems. “We’re working to get things back to normal as soon as possible and we apologize for any inconvenience.”

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Technology boss Mike Schroepfer also reported to Twitter after the failure of his products. “We have network problems” and the teams acted as quickly as possible, he wrote.

It is not uncommon for websites and apps to experience glitches, but it is rare globally.

American technology journalists report that the company’s internal systems are also affected by failure – even conference rooms because they are part of the “Internet of Things” (IoT).

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Users in Germany have reported on the portal since 5.30 pm.”all the mess“Problem. Since then, for example, reports of failures of the WhatsApp Messenger service have skyrocketed, and around 6 p.m. the website has recorded nearly 150,000 reports from users. Users reported nearly 50,000 for Instagram, about 50,000 for Facebook.” Reported about 33,000 and about 1,000 for Facebook’s Messenger service.

Possible Causes of DNS Service Problems

Experts suspect problems with the DNS service behind the failure. Among other things, this service ensures that the website names typed in letters are translated into IP addresses so that they can be reached.

According to some experts, the DNS entries of Facebook services disappeared from the service that controlled the data traffic – so to speak, they were invisible to the network infrastructure. John Graham-Cumming, technology owner at cloud service provider Cloudflare, explained that users and software continue to attempt to control Facebook services. This ensures a huge increase in load on other DNS services, he wrote on Twitter.

For Facebook, which is currently under heightened political pressure in the United States, the several-hour outage was the embarrassing culmination of an already bad week. On Sunday, a former employee identified himself as a whistleblower and accused the online network of putting profit above the well-being of users.

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