Yes for a ban on concealment in public places

Yes for a ban on concealment in public places

The burqa ban – “yes against freedom, equality and terrorism” – has launched a campaign to vote on the burqa initiative led by the Ergking Committee with non-party members as well as members of the SVP, FDP, JSVP and EDU. It calls for a ban on face coverings.

In September 2017 the popular initiative for the “ban on veiling (burqa initiative)” was presented by the Popular Aging Committee. It had already started the anti-tower initiative and completed it. The public and the cantons will vote on the Burka initiative on 7 March.

The federal council and parliament recommended rejection of the initiative in the ballot box. In the final votes last summer session, SVP parliamentary groups and several representatives of the center and FDP parliamentary groups voted in favor of the referendum.

The decision was preceded by an emotional debate about women’s rights and dress codes. Although the popular initiative calls for a ban on Shivalinga in public places throughout Switzerland – including the hooligans in football games, for example – the discussion revolves primarily around women in Switzerland who would wear a burqa or mask. Huh.

Against Muslim women completely against

The polling campaign launched by the convicts on Tuesday also aims in this direction: behind the slogan “Stop Extremism”! One shows a dark skinned woman with an angry expression on her face under a knuckle. Proponents of the referendum argue that any form of complete veil discriminates against Muslim women.

In enlightened European countries, such as Switzerland, one of the core, unmarried core values ​​is a living together, to show the states that take the initiative. No independent person hides his face. Like the minaret, the entire veil symbolizes an extreme Islam that has no place in Switzerland.

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Examples are Ticino and St.Gallen

The new initiative demands that no one is allowed to cover their face in public places or public services. Exceptions will only be possible due to safety, health, climate and local customs. Also, no one should be forced to cover their face to a person.

The Cantons of St. Gallen and Ticino have already banned covering in recent years, while others, such as the Gallers, have rejected such an approach.

Counter-offer available

National sanctions are the wrong way for those who oppose the initiative. It would also contradict the liberal values ​​of Switzerland.

The Federal Council also rejects this initiative. He says that cantonal competencies will be unnecessarily restricted in the initiative. However, the government acted on an indirect counter-proposal that refused to give Canton authority. However, it stipulates that those who have to identify themselves in public transport or with the authorities have a legal obligation to show their face.

Councils accepted the counter-proposal last spring. It automatically becomes effective when the initiative is rejected. The counter-proposal will also take care of equality for women. For this purpose, amendments have to be made according to the Aliens and Integration Act and the Equal Opportunity Act.

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