You Might Be Able to Buy Probably the Best Controller in a Different Color Soon

You Might Be Able to Buy Probably the Best Controller in a Different Color Soon

Will the Elite Series 2 controller come in white soon?
Will the Elite Series 2 controller come in white soon?

The Elite Controller Series 2 controller is one of the best input devices you can buy for the Xbox console. This is partly due to the exquisite workmanship and wide range of customization options. You can find out more about it in our review of the Elite Series 2.

One of the controller’s few drawbacks so far is that it is only available in black, with the exception of a limited number of special models such as the Master Chief 117 controller. Accordingly, there have long been rumors that Microsoft will sooner or later launch a white version as well.

white case, black grip horn

And these rumors have now been fueled by a video that has surfaced on the internet. this was posted on twitter Reebs Gaming Split and a white one shows the packaging of both the Elite Series 2 controller and the pad. While most of the housing is glazed in white, the rubberized grip horn and analog stick clearly remain black on this model.

Check out the white elite controller here:

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This is not the first time that a White Elite controller has leaked. A picture of the pad’s packaging had already surfaced earlier this year, but no such color variant was confirmed until later.

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Accordingly, this message should also be classified with caution: Because although it does not seem unrealistic that Microsoft will sooner or later also introduce a white elite version, it is still not officially confirmed by Microsoft. So it can be fake too – even if well made.

Announcement on Gamescom? Assuming that the video is actually about a “real” white Series 2 Elite, the question remains as to when Microsoft will officially announce the controller. The next conceivable date will be Gamescom in Cologne.

Incidentally, the Elite Controller isn’t the only recommended controller for Xbox: You’ll find several other models in our buying guide:

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The Elite Series 2 controller was released in November 2019 and replaced the first version of the high-priced input device for the Xbox console. Apart from the rumors about a white model, there has also been speculation about a Series 3.

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