ZDF “TV Garden” Campaign Backfire

ZDF "TV Garden" Campaign Backfire
Of "ZDF Television Garden" Celebrated big anniversary on Sunday.

“ZDF Fernsehgarten” celebrated a big anniversary on Sunday.Image: imago images / imago / Nice

“ZDF Fernsehgarten” celebrated a big anniversary on Sunday, the 600th edition was staged. As always, Andrea Kewell moderated. Well-known guests like Alphaville and Culcha Candela weren’t enough for the occasion, but instead the broadcasters came up with a special show insert: five airplanes propped up in the sky with a fitting “TV Garden” lettering.

However, the action was rejected by many spectators. Feather Twitter Users condemned the spectacle with candid words.

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“It’s called skytexting,” smiled the moderator. As the organizer explained to him, the airplane’s message is made possible by the expelled paraffin. It is said that the residue harmful to the environment will not remain, but the audience can hardly be calmed down in front of the television. “And for all this crap?” For example, a user angrily asks.

“Too much money for big bullshit!”, also thinks the viewer. He also points to the fact that Andrea Kiwell has been brought in from Tel Aviv for each “TV Garden” edition, which really shouldn’t contribute to a positive CO2 balance. 57 year old goes to Mainz on Sunday and comes back the same day. “And then the plane with the characters, Absolutely don’t go!! Cancel the show!“, now desperately demanding:

Elsewhere you can read: “Fridays for Future are going crazy with silly sightseeing flights.” There must be something in this…

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And this user recognizes only a “meaningless sign” in the sky:

Greta Thunberg meme “How dare you?” Fits particularly well here. “Five planes next to each other expel exhaust fumes for advertising messages”, this user teases over him. His apparently ironic conclusion: “super durable”.

Too much excitement about “TV Garden”?

In connection with the anniversary campaign, the platform also shows frequent flights. Israel Later Germany Mentioned only for “TV Garden” – so weeks grow in frustration. However, there are people on Twitter who end up exaggerating all the fuss. “Germany is moving forward as ‘Fernsgarten’ writes some letters in the sky. And I thought we had real concerns“, this comment says:


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