नदी River gets personal rights for the first time in Canada

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24.02.2021 – 16:19

Alliance Mutsaiku-Shipu

Quebec (ots / PRNewswire)

The Mutsheka-Shipu Alliance announced today that Riviere Magpai has been recognized as a legal entity as two parallel proposals by the Innu Council of Acunitish and the County Council of Mingni (RCM) . The river has thus been given nine rights and potential defenders, which are primarily responsible for ensuring that its rights are respected. This is the first such case in Canada.

The announcement was made in Montreal, Canada in collaboration with the International Observatory for Natural Rights (IORN), which prepared the proposals in collaboration with the Alliance. The two resolutions, which are more than ten pages long and filled with references, are based on a number of legal grounds in Canada and international law and are intended to ensure the conservation of the river.

This initiative is part of a worldwide movement that is particularly active in New Zealand, USA and Ecuador and campaigns for the rights of nature.

Riviere Magpai (Mutseka-Shipu in Inu language) is an internationally known river with a length of about 300 km. The river is known worldwide for its rapids and white water expeditions. Above all, the famous magazine National Geographic Contributed to make it one of the ten best rivers in the world for white water rafting. Conservation of the river has received regional consensus, but the hydropower potential of the waterway has foiled plans to make it a protected area for years by the state-owned power company, Hydro-Quebec.

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“The recognition of the rights of nature is gaining worldwide support and Canada is joining the movement today with this first case,” said IORN President Yeni Vega Kardens. “The Reverend Magpie was a complete test case, thanks to a consensus from all parties involved for safety and its international reputation.”

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“People, who live near the river, will protect it from now on,” said Jean Charles Pietacho, head of the Acunituit Innu Council. “Inu of Acunitshit has always been the protector of Nityanasana [der angestammten Heimat der Innu] And will continue to thank Mutekhu-Shipu for the recognition of their rights. ”

“This recognition helps protect the Riveig Magpai ecosystem and enables our local communities to maintain and sustain their leisure activities and customs,” said Luke Noel, Prefect of Mingani.

“For us this is an opportunity to take matters into our own hands and not wait any longer for the approval of the Quebec government and Hydro-Quebec,” said the Society’s managing director Alain Branchaud. parcs (SNAP Québec). “After our demands have fallen on deaf ears with the government for a year, Riviere Magpai is now protected as a legal figure.”

The objective of the Mutsheka-Shipu alliance is to better protect and recognize the rights of the Revere Magpie. To do so, it relies on the importance of the river for the Inu River and for local communities, on its international reputation and for its exceptional potential for recreational tourism. The founding members of the Muteskau-Shipu Alliance are Acunitishit, Mingani County, SNAP Quebec and the Inu Council of the Eaux-Wives Mingani Association.

Interview requests: International Observatory on the Right to Nature, Yeni V. Cardenas, President, +1 514 971-8495, presidence.oidn@observatoirenature.org; Iannu-Rott von Acunitscheit, Jean-Charles Pietacho, chef, +1 418 965-7593, chef.conseil@ekuanitshit.ca; County Mingney, Luke Noel, prefect, +1 418 538-6099, prefet@mrc.minganie.org; CPAWS Quebec, Clelia Germain, Head of Communications, +1 438 377-3562, Communications@snapquestec.org; Eaux-Vives Minganie Association, Mathieu Bourdon, President, Mathieu.bourdon@hotmail.com, +1 418 949-2707

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Photos https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1440842/Alliance_Muteshekau_shipu_For_the_first_time__a_river_is_granted.jpg

Original content by: Alliance Mutsike-Shippu, news sent by AITUC

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